Friday, June 10, 2011

David Williams To Get Pink Slip From Tea Party?

Kentucky Senate Adjorns Early: Restarts in a Special Session
There is a Mess in Frankfort. Now it gets even clearer for many Kentuckians. It appears Senate President David Williams has Proven himself unfit to be Governor of the people in Kentucky. A citizen of Kentucky filed a Petition to Remove a public Official (Family Judge) from Office. It was read into the record January 4th 2011 and assigned to committee. All requests for hearing were ignored, and the petitioner was given the run around. The session ended early and the petition denied any due process.

Questions to determine why the petitioner was being deprived of the right revealed answers from the Senate Judiciary Chairman just before the session was ended early; they had been given orders by "Senate Leadership." The Petition for Removal filed by a citizen of Kentucky would get "No Due Process.

Word from an inside source in Franfort close to Williams office said Williams dreamed up the call for the early end to the session as a way to get the media off his senate doorstep with questons on the petition, and why he had ordered it denied without process.

This wasn't a petition filed by some disgruntled individual for no reason. It was well supported by the evidence and had been reviewed by a petit group of credible individuals from the community. A law librarian, A Kentucky Colonel, A WW2 Veteran, a mother, and a businessman, who all signed affidavits finding resonable cause for removal of the family court judge from office, because the conduct commission had grossly neglected to act. In addition, 40 other petitions were filed by individual citizens from various parts of the state, in support of their right to the process, and for Senate President Williams to "give it due process." 

Word has gotten around now through Tea Party groups regarding Williams deed, and they are now saying it makes him unfit to be governor by demonstrating a flagrant disregard for the rights of all Kentuckians to the petitions and its processes. It's a duty of the body to provide and the subsequent cover up of public corruption lays squarely in David Williams lap. One Tea Partier, who ask to not be Identified, speculated where  Governor Bashear would stand on the issue. In a recent meeting of Tea Party types, talk was about giving Williams notice after the election by sending a box full of pink slips signed by people from his senate district, and backing a real Tea Party Conservative in his next senate district election.

1 comment:

  1. Too bad the republicrat establishment picked Williams and the basketball player to represent them in the general election. They had a much better choice in Phil Moffett and Mike Harmon, but chose instead to reward this fella who has been a part of Kentucky's problems for over 26 years now. Williams will not get the support of real conservatives in the general election and this revelation is merely another in a long laundry list of reasons David Williams is not fit to be governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
